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By Shelley Shan / Staff reporterThe Civil Aeronautics Administration (CAA) yesterday asked TransAsia Airways (復興航空) to submit a plan to manage the 27 aircraft registered to the airline, which are to be grounded until the plan is approved.Agency data showed that the company owns 11 aircraft and leases 16.TransAsia, which is attempting to liquidate its assets to generate funds to cover various expenses, must gain approval for its plan to dispose of its fleet before any sales, the agency said, adding that no airports would allow flights of the airline’s planes.TransAsia’s fleet is comprised of Airbus A320, A321 and A330 aircraft, as well as ATRs, the agency said, adding that the airline had taken delivery of a new Airbus A330 on Saturday.Meanwhile, EVA Air (長榮航空) and China Airlines (中華航空) have agreed to hire some of TransAsia’s pilots, who are to be laid off after it dissolved its business on Tuesday, the agency said.TransAsia employed about 170 pilots, including those still in training, 90 of whom are trained to operate A320 and A321 aircraft, the agency said.EVA was the first airline to express interest in hiring TransAsia pilots, as it also operates the A321 and ATR, the agency said, adding that EVA Air is facing a pilot shortage.However, neither EVA Air nor China Airlines would say how many TransAsia pilots they would hire, as the pilots would have to pass a number of tests and certifications before being accepted, it added.The Taoyuan Union of Pilots said that it would assist the TransAsia pilots in finding employment opportunities, urging other local airlines to hire some of them so that they can remain in Taiwan.“It is not easy to train pilots. Airlines worldwide are short of workers, resulting in employees working overtime and being unable to take holidays as they normally would,” the union said.“We hope that Taiwanese airlines can move quickly to hire these pilots, so that they can continue working in Taiwan,” it added. “Otherwise, some of the high-quality pilots would be recruited by foreign airlines, which would force the nation’s airlines to look overseas for qualified workers.”新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES
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(中央社記者王靖怡台北16日電)第53屆金馬獎頒獎典禮26日登場,台灣導演程偉豪、朱賢哲入圍最佳新導演,力拚香港導演黃進、許學文、歐文傑和黃偉傑以及中國大陸導演張大磊。 今年最佳新導演入圍者有台灣導演程偉豪「紅衣小女孩」、朱賢哲「白蟻」;香港導演許學文、歐文傑及黃偉傑「樹大招風」、黃進「一念無明」,以及中國大陸導演張大磊「八月」。 程偉豪去年以「保全員之死」獲第52屆金馬獎最佳創作短片,「紅衣小女孩」改編1998年轟動全台靈異事件,以在山上迷惑人心智的「魔神仔」為主,演員黃河、許瑋甯精湛演繹驚嚇表情,融合驚悚、奇幻等元素打造台式恐怖片。 朱賢哲擅長拍攝紀錄片,15年前以「養生主」奪第38屆金馬獎最佳紀錄片,「白蟻」是首部劇情長片,以演員吳慷仁飾演的戀物癖男子偷竊女性內衣事件為導火線,關注戀物癖患者心理狀態,並帶領大眾重新省思社會正義。 「一念無明」是黃進獲香港首部劇情電影計劃資助開拍,電影由尖銳議題出發,毫不避諱凝視家庭黑暗面,揭露香港社會問題,香港演員曾志偉和余文樂飾演一對關係疏遠的父子,探討躁鬱症患者及家屬在社會中可能面對的種種問題。 許學文、歐文傑及黃偉傑聯合執導「樹大招風」,取材自真人實事,由香港演員陳小春、任賢齊、林家棟主演,描述江湖傳出香港3大賊王密謀在香港回歸前聯手犯案,透過電影反映人心失?,連賊王也要學習潛規矩、跑單幫、鞠躬哈腰,隱喻香港現狀。 張大磊曾參與多部電影拍攝,擔任執行導演、編劇與後期製作等,「八月」是從小男孩「小雷」視角出發,觀察大人們的生活,在這個結束升學考試的暑假,大人們丟工作,小孩們不知情還在玩,在這夏天看似什麼都沒發生,卻什麼都發生了。1051116
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